
Sinhala novels library
Sinhala novels library

Sinhala, 6000 years ago (It would seem surprising to many that the origins of the Sinhala language could be traced back to 6,000 years ago.

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Sanskritisms in Sinhala Language (Among the Sanskritic loans in modern Sinhala may be included such common terms as praja-tantra (democracy), shalya-karma (surgery), chaya-rupa (photograph), surya-balaya (solar energy), trasta-vadaya (terrorism), harda-spandana (heart-beat), vag-vidya (linguistics) and rupa-vahini (television)).Evolution of the Sinhala Language (Sinhala, the language of Sinhalese, is ultimately derived from old Indo-Aryan (Sanskrit) through middle Indo-Aryan or Prakrit (whose best representative is Pali, the language of the Buddhist scriptures).).The Hela Havula movement's claim that Sinhala developed independently on Sri Lankan soil, sans any foreign influences, is not tenable considering the available philological evidence.) The origin of Sinhala (The origin of the Sinhala language has been the subject of much controversy, and has lately provoked much debate.The parent indo-European speech from which all these languages derive, was evidently spoken somewhere in Europe, probably Southern Russia, over 5000 years ago.

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The fact is that Sinhala is not only a member of the Aryan group of languages, but also of a larger linguistic group, the Indo-European family, which includes all the major languages of Europe, Iran and Southern Asia. Less known, however, is the fact that Sinhala is distantly related to other major languages such as German, French, English, Russian, Persian and Lithuanian. That the Sinhala language is an Aryan one and is related to other Indo-Aryan speeches such as Hindi and Bengali is generally well known.

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"Words have evolved with time, passing through various phases before assuming their present form. Sri Lanka: Languages, Literature, Books and Book Reviews WWW Virtual Library - Sri Lanka - Languages, Literature, Books & Book Reviews

Sinhala novels library